#36: Extreme Catgut Breeding, Mushroom Kingdom, and Coping With Being Rich

#36: Extreme Catgut Breeding, Mushroom Kingdom, and Coping With Being Rich
John, Gabe, and Chris

On this episode, we play for charity with our wrong answers costing us money to our local bail funds. We discuss mushrooms, the Oceans series of movies, and how many sheep it takes to make a violin. Here are links to the funds we were contributing to.

 Atlanta Solidarity: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/contribute-to-the-atlanta-solidarity-fund Atlanta Mutual Aid: https://www.atlantamutualaid.org/make-a-donation

Find one near you: https://bailfunds.github.io/ 

 You can submit facts for us at our website www.abolishunits.com

 The Intro/Outro of our show is "Never Far" by James Hunter USA, now known as New Weirdos. You can find their music wherever you stream or buy music!
