"The beef is ready." - Yuri on Ice: Sorted

Ain't no rule that says a dog can't skate... but two Yuri's is too many! John from Home Viewing and Them's the Facts joins us to sort the characters of Yuri on Ice, and to settle an old score once and for all...

Check out John: http://twitter.com/JohnMakesMixes

And his shows, Home Viewing: http://twitter.com/HomeViewingPod and Them's the Facts: http://twitter.com/themsthecast

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/SortedPod and tell us if you agree or disagree with our choices!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

And check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/