
Ep. 26 - The Tomorrow Problem

Ep. 26 - The Tomorrow Problem
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

They've rescued an ungrateful monarch and now there's a necromancer in a hole. Good thing they have a bard to tell their story.

This episode's guest player is Jack Butler - soundcloud.com/kidm00n

This is the final episode of the Sixth Card Arc

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 25 - Man in the Mirror

Ep. 25 - Man in the Mirror
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

when life locks you in a room full of enchanted mirrors, just have a good time kids.

This episode's guest player is Jack Butler - soundcloud.com/kidm00n

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 24 - The Greatest Song

Ep. 24 - The Greatest Song
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

Breakfast. Life debts. Greatest songs. Bleeding fingers. Conspiracy. This is a pretty average day for the magic assholes.

This episode's guest player is Jack Butler - soundcloud.com/kidm00n

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 23 - Pub Stop - Saandome

Ep. 23 - Pub Stop - Saandome
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

The city is...f'ing huge. The magic assholes stumble across a bard by the name of Tierney Faeleaf who may or may not be their biggest fan.

This episode's guest player is Jack Butler - bit.ly/JackButlerMusic

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 22 - Buck Wild Adventure

Ep. 22 - Buck Wild Adventure
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

Stoned necromancers, giant sentient mushrooms, floating lich skulls all adds up to one buck wild adventure!

This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.

This is the final episode in the Fifth Card Arc

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 21 - Fungus Crew

Ep. 21 - Fungus Crew
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

The crew learns more about the library than their mission, but hey - gotta get that education!

This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 18 - Faith Will Carry You

Ep. 18 - Faith Will Carry You
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

Fantasy WWE, avatars of death, touching moments between a wizard and a paladin - what more could you ask for from your entertainment?

Faith will always be there for you. To pick you up. And carry on.

This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson.

Music in this episode created by Jordan Singh VanderBeek

-Jordan's Facebook: facebook.com/jordansinghVanderBeekMusic

-Jordan's Instagram: instagram.com/jsinghvanderbeek

This is the final episode in the Fourth Card Arc

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord

Ep. 17 - You Fight or You Die

Ep. 17 - You Fight or You Die
No Dice / Pocket Podcast Network

Our heros are valiantly fighting skeletons in round two. But what for? What is the prize? Is it friendship?

This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson

Music in this episode created by Jordan Singh VanderBeek


-Jordan's Facebook: facebook.com/jordansinghVanderBeekMusic

-Jordan's Instagram: instagram.com/jsinghvanderbeek

-No Dice Twitter: twitter.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Facebook: facebook.com/nodicepodcast

-No Dice Website: nodicepodcast.com

-No Dice Discord: bit.ly/nodicediscord